Season’s Best Shoshone Falls Viewing is Happening Now

Flows over Shoshone Falls are hitting their peak for this year as spring runoff and releases from upstream reservoirs send large volumes of water over the 212-foot cataract near the city of Twin Falls.

An estimated 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) are pouring over the falls right now. Once irrigation diversions and warmer weather reduce the amount of water coming downstream, that flow could drop to 300 cfs or lower.

Shoshone Falls is a popular Idaho attraction often referred to as the Niagara of the West. The city recorded more than 80,000 vehicles passing its fee booth at the canyon during summer and fall 2023.

The Shoshone Falls Power Plant, which visitors can see at the bottom of the canyon on the river’s north side, was the first power plant in the Magic Valley. Built in 1907, the plant includes a diversion dam and a powerhouse. The plant’s capacity is 14.7 megawatts — enough to power more than 11,000 homes.

Brad Bowlin
Communications Specialist