Schedule and Permitting
Since beginning the siting process for B2H in 2010, Idaho Power has taken major steps toward obtaining federal, state and local permits for B2H. We hope to finalize permitting and break ground in late 2024 and energize B2H as early as 2027. Below, you can find descriptions of the federal and state permitting processes, as well as a look at the project’s history.
Federal PermittingIdaho Power has obtained authorization for B2H to cross lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Forest Service, Department of the Navy and Bureau of Reclamation.
The BLM issued its Record of Decision in November 2017 and granted a right-of-way to Idaho Power Company for the construction, operation and maintenance of B2H on BLM-administered land.
The Forest Service released its Record of Decision on Nov. 9, 2018, approving a special-use authorization to Idaho Power for B2H across land administered by the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
The Navy released its Record of Decision on October 2, 2019, allowing for an easement for Idaho Power to construct, operate, and maintain B2H on Navy-administered land.
You can find details on federal permitting at the following sites:
For more information, contact:
- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest: (541) 523-6391
- BLM Vale office: (541) 473-3144
State PermittingIdaho Power obtained a Site Certificate for B2H in September 2022 from the Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council. Project opponents appealed that decision. in March 2023, the Oregon Supreme Court upheld the Site Certificate.
The Oregon Public Utility Commission and Idaho Public Utilities Commission have awarded Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to the project. The CPCNs acknowledge the public value of B2H.